Monday, 4 October 2010

Menopause- All You Need To Know About Your Symptoms.


Menopause can be defined as the gradual decline and eventaul stop of menstruation,the psycholgical mechanism that goes with it, inclusive!
It is estimated that  out of 10 women experience symptoms leading up to the menopause, of these, 75% find their Menopausal symptoms difficult to deal with, and these symptoms are usually accompanied with various physiological and psychological changes which are caused by the decline in ovarian function.

In most cases, the first sign of menopause is a change in the usual pattern of your periods as you grow older. Your period may start every two to three weeks, or you may not have one for months at a time. The amount of menstrual blood lost may also change, and most women find it increases slightly.

Menopause can be classed into three types:
Physiolgic Menopause
Pathologic Menopause
Artificial Menopause.

Physiologic Menopause
This happens when the functions of the ovaries normally decline because of aging. This type of menopause as a result! starts to occur in women between the ages of 40 and 50 and a woman will have irregular or infrequent ovulation  with declinen menstrual function. Menstruation eventually ceases between the ages of 45 and 55 from observations.

Pathological Menopause
Pathological menopause is also reffered to as Premature Menopause and it is the sudden termination of Menstruation not due to aging and it is characteristically known to occur before the woman reaches the age of 40.Studies have shown that in the United states, 5% of women premature menopause without a known, clear or obvious reason.
Premature menopause may however, be caused by the presence of some diseases. these diseases which are infections, in the reproductive tract, mainly  tumors, may cause pathologic menopause.
Tumors in the rproductive tract may seriously harm the overies ,weaken and eventually damage it's normal function.
Apart from Tumors and diseases, factors such as extreme emotional stress, malnutrition, radiation therapy or exposure to too much radiation and debilitation can also cause premature or pathological menopause. this condition is usually created when a woman undr=ers=goes surgical procedure involving the overies!

Artificial Menopause
This type of menopause occurs when there is a cessation of the ovarian function. this is similar to pathological menopause, because it as well occursfollowing ration therapy or a surgical procedure.

Menopause is a necessary stage in the life of every woman so it is important that she be able to pass through this phase with the least complications possible and with the help and understanding of the people around her.

These include:
*Hot flashes
*Night sweats
*emotional "problems"
*sexual changes
*palpitations (not a common symptom)
*Vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal area
*Decreased libido (sex drive)
*Anxiety, Anger, Mood Swings
*Forgetfulness or “fuzzy brain” syndrome
*Depression, feelings of despair
*Vaginal and bladder infections
*Short-term memory loss
*Joint and muscle pain
*Rapid skin aging & Loss of tone in breasts
*Fatigue and heart palpitations
*Shorter or longer menstrual cycles
*Change of menstrual flow

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